MEDEX is an independent Drug Bulletin of CoRSUM
MEDEX is a full member of ISDB - International Society of Drug Bulletins since 1996
MEDEX is a drug bulletin of the CoRSUM. MEDEX has been issued since 1996 and distributed free of charge for all members in Eastern Europe-NIS countries in Russian Languages.
MEDEX is a Full Member of ISDB.
MEDEX является печатным изданием CoRSUM. Издается с 1996 года и рассылается бесплатно всем членам CoRSUM в Восточной Европе и Новых Независимых государствах. Издается на русском языке. MEDEX соблюдает принципы конфликта интересов.
SCDMTE of Armenia — Information bulletin «Drugs and Medicine» has been published since 1993 and issued free of charge among all health care institutions of the republic. Since 1999 the Bulletin has been the associate member of the ISDB.
Информационный бюллетень «Лекарства и Медицина» выпускается с 1993 г. и распространяется бесплатно во всех лечебно-профилактических учреждениях республики. С 1999 г. бюллетень является ассоциативным членом Международного общества независимых бюллетеней ISDB.
The International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB) is a worldwide network of bulletins on drugs and therapeutics, which are financially and intellectually independent of the pharmaceutical industry.
ISDB was founded in 1986 with the support of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, and particularly of Graham Dukes and Inga Lunde. Its overall aim is to assist the development of independent drug bulletins and to facilitate cooperation among them.
Work of the Society
ISDB holds a General Assembly every three years which provides an excellent forum for members to meet and exchange information. In addition, this allows ISDB members to meet with other attendees, such as producers of formularies, people in drug information centres and other publishers of independent drug and therapeutic information that are not already part of the ISDB network.
To help independent drugs bulletins achieve high professional standards, ISDB organises regional workshops where people working on long established bulletins can share their experience with those starting new ones. Such meetings have been held in Algeria, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Philippines, Italy, Holland and Spain.
ISDB’s priorities are:
- to help all independent drug bulletins achieve the highest professional standards,
- to support the development of new drug bulletins,
- to identify independent drug bulletins that are not part of the ISDB network and develop a relationship with them
- to encourage members to help health professionals communicate more effectively with consumers,
- to work with producers of formularies and people in drug information centres,
- to campaign for drug regulatory authorities to serve public health first and foremost, and
- to campaign for an independent WHO, ie independent of funding from the pharmaceutical industry.
ISDB General Assembly in Paris, 2019
The General Assembly of ISDB was held in Paris October 10th — 12th 2019.
MEDEX declaration of the conflict of interest
Appendix D. Implementation of the Conflict-of-interest Policy by ISDB Full Members. (Document for the GA in Paris October 2019.)
MEDEX, independent drug bulletin of CoRSUM, full member of ISDB– Coalition on Rational and Safe Use of Medicines, main office is based in Moldova).
1. Have you implemented the declarations of the CoI-policy? Yes.
2. How have you implemented this CoI-policy? The ISDB Declaration on the Conflict of interest Policy was distributed via CORSUM members. Each editor signed the Declaration on Conflict of Interest Policy.
a. Editors have filled in a document in which they declare they have no CoI.
1.This document is on the website. YES
2.This document is only in the office. YES
b. Apart from editors which other members of your organisation apply to this policy?
1.External authors. Yes.
2.Reviewers. Yes.
3. Since when do you follow this policy? From the beginning of our activity. MEDEX had never authors writing for any pharmaceutical business companies or related organisations, including their relatives.
4. How often do you update the declarations? Every year.
5. Does the policy aim at the pharmaceutical industry and also the medical device industry?
1.Pharmaceutical industry and medical device industry. X
2.Only pharmaceutical industry.
3.Only medical device industry.
6. In case the publications you make are part of a larger institution how did you safeguard there is no influence of the institution on the editorial team? We are independent bulletin, therefore we do not have such problems.
7. Did you experience difficulties in the implementation the policy? No difficulties.